Philip Warbasse was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. Philip's love for photography led to his studies at the University of Arizona’s Center for Creative Photography. He lives in Santa Monica, CA and works as an interactive programmer and designer. Philip is currently finishing his first true crime novel documenting the facts in the Winnie Ruth Judd Murder Trial.


Philip would enjoy your questions or comments about the I-Wish Project. Please send email correspondence by clicking here or you may write Philip at 2461 Santa Monica Blvd #739 Santa Monica, CA 90404.

There are so many wonderful people who have encouraged me throughout this project. I can't thank you all enough!
  • My Family who have been so supportive
  • All the willing participants
  • Katie Doling-Bastianelli
  • Jennie Fairchild
  • Sheila Laffey
  • Greg Reitz
  • Parker Beatty
  • T.J. Buck
  • Melisa Fargo
  • Don Whitehead
  • Bill Wichterman
  • Sacha Klien
  • Carrie Larsen
  • Chris and Jennifer Lawrence
  • Steve and Melissa DeNeefe
  • Anne Howard
  • Stew Perkins
  • All the folks at the Cow's End Cafe - Venice